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Cremisan Monastery – Palestine

The monastery

The Salesians of Don Bosco have been active in Bethlehem since 1885. First with a home for children from poor families or for orphaned children, later with different schools.
In 1967 the facilities were recognized by the then Jordanian government and registered in the Ministry of Education.
From the very beginning, the Salesians have also been running a winery, the proceeds of which they use to finance their projects. This not only includes the vocational school with its departments of bakery, electronics and electromechanics, technical mechanics and car workshop, but also a theological seminar for students from all over the world, which has since moved to Jerusalem.

In 1986 the school was opened for interdenominational and interreligious work, ie since then all young people have received training, regardless of their denomination or religious affiliation.

Since the autumn of 2000, when the new, second Intifada came about, with all the political consequences and above all the sealing off of the occupied territories by Israel, the economic basis for almost all projects was seriously jeopardized. Since then, these wines have also been available in Germany.

With the wines from the monastery winery Cremisan here .

For the full introduction and the background – here .

Short video about the monastery winery

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